Weddings in our churches are memorable and joyful occasions, made more so by the beauty of the surroundings, and by the fact that they are part of a Christian tradition stretching back centuries.
Why Marry In Church?
A church is so much more than simply a venue for your special day. You will experience a spiritual dimension to your wedding – knowing that your marriage is blessed by God is the foundation of the day, and of your future together. The heart of the marriage ceremony comes as you make your marriage vows to one another. You promise to 'love and to cherish; for better or worse; for richer or poorer; in sickness and in health till death us do part.''
Who Can Get Married In Church?
In order to get married in church you need to have what’s called a “qualifying connection” with the parish. Some couples who marry at our churches already have such a connection, other couples create a connection by coming to worship with us for six months. Talk to us to find out more.

Which Church Can We Get Married In?
Both St Thomas's and St James's make wonderful church venues in which to hold your wedding. Both buildings are steeped in history, make great settings for your photographs and of course weddings have taken place in these two places of worship in the presence of God for centuries.
What Is The Process?
The first step in booking your wedding is to get in touch with us. You can do this in a numbers of ways; by using the Contact Us form on this page or by contacting the Vicar or Church Wardens either in person or via email in the first instance.
We will arrange an initial meeting with you to discuss your wishes for a wedding service in one of our churches. At this point we may take a deposit to make a firm booking. A few months before your wedding you will be invited to a wedding preparation event, which helps you look at what the wedding vows mean for your relationship, and think through the details of your wedding service. After that you can prepare your orders of service. The full fees are payable 4 – 6 weeks before your wedding.
Your banns of marriage will be read on three consecutive Sundays two months before your wedding date We will tell you the dates and we encourage you to attend if you can.
Already Married?
In addition, some long-married couples may wish to renew their marriage vows on a special occasion or anniversary. This simple and joyful service can arranged with the Vicar.
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