Parish Link - March 2025

I'm a hypocrite

I'm a Hypocrite 

Dear Friends,

"Hello everyone. My name is Jan Nobel and I’m a hypocrite."

The wisdom of the Alcoholics Anonymous teaches that 'acceptance' is the first step towards regaining control. So yes, I have a problem, and I am out of my depth. I'm a sinner and a 'miserable offender'. (Thomas Cranmer, the Book of Common Prayer).

On Ash Wednesday (5th March) we gather in church to hear these words of Jesus: 'Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone.' This phrase is taken from one of my favourite stories about Jesus. A mob of angry men escorts a woman to Jesus. They tell him that she is an adulteress, caught in the very act! "The law of Moses teaches that this shameful whore should be stoned. Isn't that right, Jesus?". Jesus says nothing. But the men relentlessly press him for a response. And so, he speaks – just this one sentence: "Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her." It's what the young people call a 'mic drop'.

Now replace 'be stoned' with 'be cancelled' or 'resign'. Suddenly the story is brought right up to date. What would Jesus have to say to the angry mobs that gather on social media? I am not sure, but imagine he would say: Let anyone who isn't a hypocrite be the first to judge...

Don't be mistaken, Jesus doesn't condone sin. After the mob left, he told the woman: "Go now and leave your life of sin." She got a second chance, an opportunity to start anew. So did those men who were so quick to judge. And so do we, on Ash Wednesday: "Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return. Turn away from sin and be faithful to Christ." Acceptance is the first step.

Love and prayers,

Johannes Nobel