We express our thanks to God in many ways, including through our giving of money and time to enable the ministry and mission of St Thomas's and St James's to flourish.
Giving Financially
Like any family, St Thomas's and St James's has to pay its bills; just to make ends meet, we have to raise over £1000 per week. It often surprises people when they learn that individual churches receive no financial support from the national Church or the Government, and that it is the generosity of church members themselves that enables our work to continue.
We also rely on the charity of the community of Osbaldwick and Murton for raising funds through social events such as the Annual Church Gala, Christmas Fayre, Murton Barbecue and musical entertainments. If you feel you would like to join with others to support the work of St Thomas's and St James's financially you can do so in several ways.
Regular Giving
No one is expected to give at our churches, but we are delighted when people do make the decision to commit to giving regularly to support our work. To do so, you can set up a standing order using the downloable form (pdf). You can use the form to guide you as you set up an online standing order, or you can send the instruction to your bank by post. If you are a UK tax payer we can reclaim 25p in tax for every £1 donated through Gift Aid. Please also use the downloadable Gift Aid declaration form (pdf) and pass it to the Treasurer. This Gift Aid makes a huge difference!
Alternatively you may give into the collection plate during the service either using pre-arranged envelopes or directly with cash or a cheque.
Leaving A Legacy
You may also wish to consider making a donation in your will. Legacies have been important in providing our generation with the facilities we enjoy. Our legacies will help to meet the needs of those who follow in our footsteps. Leaving a legacy is easy to do, can reduce the tax paid by your estate and will make a significant contribution to the work of our churches. Please ask the Treasurer or your solicitor for more information.
Donate As You Shop
Register at Easyfundraising (it's free for you) and raise money for St Thomas's and St James's while you shop online.
Giving Your Time
There are two main ways of helping to sustain all the activities of our two churches. One is giving time. For example, people help with flower arranging, distributing the Parish Link, cutting grass in the churchyards, helping with Drop-Ins, cleaning the churches and arranging Galas. Much work goes on behind the scenes to maintain the well-being of the churches and their work in our two villages.